Nissan Leaf Motor Controller assembly (Inverter)
Nissan Leaf Motor
electric drive system repair
Electric drive system components are generally very reliable, although premature failures do happen sometimes. The good news is that there are many used parts available, so if your vehicle does have a problem we can fix it for a very reasonable price. If your vehicle has been damaged in an accident it may make sense to have it fixed and keep it on the road. We offer services that dealerships do not and cannot offer. All of the used parts we use have been thoroughly tested and we give a 2 year unlimited mile warranty on them.
Chevy Volt battery pack
Nissan Leaf DC-DC converter
diagnostic services
We follow a thorough diagnostic procedure to fix it right the first time. We don't just throw parts in hoping it makes the problem go away. Our process ensures we don't waste our customer's time or money. Since we only work on H/EV's we have the knowledge, equipment and experience that you won't get at a dealership. Technicians that work at dealerships have received a minimal amount of training from the OEM's and only on the vehicles that they sell. They do not have the equipment that we have and they don't rebuild and test parts. They hook up your car to a scanner and if the scanner says the battery pack is bad, they say you have to replace the pack without ever taking the cover off and actually testing it. We've had customers who were told they needed a new pack which would have cost over $4,000, when really the only problem was the 12-volt auxiliary battery which cost $90 and 30 minutes of labor. They didn't do even the most basic testing because they don't really care or understand these vehicles. It is simply not in their interest to keep your car on the road for hundreds of thousands of miles; they just want to get it through the lease or warranty and sell you a new car. Dealerships like to brag about their "factory trained technicians" but when it comes to H/EV's this training is very limited. Another big problem with dealerships is they have a very high turnover rate for their technicians; they can't keep good techs for long. They pay their techs through flat rate, for example, if a job that their service information says takes 2 hours to complete, and it takes the tech 4 hours to complete properly, the only get paid for the 2 hours. This system discourages techs from taking the time to do a thorough diagnostic and encourages them to cut corners and get the job done as fast as possible. If they figure out a way to get a 2 hour job done in 1 hour, by cutting corners, then they are incentivized to do so. At Voltek, we pay our techs hourly so you don't have to worry about getting an over-priced runaround.